This animal sleeps for only 5 minutes Interesting facts about the sleep of different animals that you don't even know

 Scientists still do not fully understand human sleep, while humans spend a third of their lives asleep, and this sleep is essential for survival - animals besides humans also sleep, but about their sleep. Facts are much more different and interesting than human beings.


Brown bats

Most of us know that bats sleep upside down but very few people know how long they sleep - brown bats sleep for a very long time which is about 20 hours - in other words It can be said that bats stay awake for only 4 hours throughout the day.



Giraffes rarely sleep, but when they do, their style is very interesting - they sleep with their head on their backs for only 5 minutes - and they do this to avoid being seen by predators. -



bottlenose The dolphin sleeps with only half and one eye - and during sleep one eye and the other half of the brain are awakened - so the dolphin can see the predators swimming.


Bill Frag

These are the special kind of frogs that are said not to sleep at all - a fact discovered during a 1967 study - but scientists are still divided on this issue because it was the only study of its kind and yet more. Research is needed.



Studies show that different parts of the duck's brain sleep freely. Even with only one part of the brain and one eye open, it takes only one-fifth of a second for a duck to escape danger.



Some species of sharks have to move during sleep, and even get their oxygen from their gills during sleep. Some sharks sleep in the ocean floor, but their bodies emit a powerful current.


Pet cats

The life of a domestic cat is very different from that of its wild ancestors - domestic cats have to sleep most of the day to save their energy "for hunting".

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