United Kingdom: Dave Smith's Corona Test 43 times in 10 consecutive months

 LONDON: Dave Smith, a 72-year-old British man, has a record of the longest infection after testing positive for a corona for 10 consecutive months.

According to the World News Agency, Dave Smith, a retired driving instructor from Bristol, UK, says that his Corona test has been tested 43 times in a row.

He told the news agency that he had been hospitalized seven times and had completed preparations for his last rites.

Dave Smith told the BBC that he was disappointed, after which he called the whole family, apologized to everyone and said goodbye to everyone.

Dave's wife, Linda, says she often thought she might not recover, but each time her frustration turned to hope.

Ed Morgan, an epidemiological consultant at the University of Bristol and the North Bristol NHS Trust, said Dave Smith had an active virus in his body, according to the news agency.

According to the World News Agency, Dave Smith recovered from antibodies developed by a US biotech firm.

305 days after the first infection and after taking Regan Irwin's medicine, Dave Smith's test came back negative, so he celebrated with his wife Linda.

According to the news agency, Dave Smith told the British Broadcasting Corporation after recovering from a long illness that it was as if he had got his life back.

Dave Smith was diagnosed with the corona virus in March 2020 and had recently recovered from leukemia.

Delta-type corona could be more deadly, World Health Organization

Dave Smith told the British newspaper The Guardian that he was still breathing after recovering, but that he had traveled to different parts of the UK and was training his granddaughter to drive. "Everything is fine now," he says

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