Tapal Green Tea: The perfect blend of taste and health

Six months ago, I started drinking green tea daily to improve my health and detoxify my body from all the coffee I was consuming. That’s when I came across Tapal Green Tea . This green tea not only helped me stop coffee cravings, but it also gave me energy throughout the day without the crashing feeling you get from coffee or other caffeinated drinks. The blend of these green teas gives you just the right amount of taste and health benefits at an affordable price, which was what originally sold me on it!

A brief history

TAPAL green tea is a tea brand that offers four flavours — Tangerine, Lemon, Mango and Citrus. It was founded in 2001 by the renowned Pakistani businessmen Muhammed Rashid Khan. TAPAL has been growing at an exponential rate since its inception. With the exception of tapal green tea price in pakistan, all flavours are made from natural ingredients with no preservatives.

Tapal Green Tea: The perfect blend of taste and health
Tapal Green Tea

How it helps our body

Green tea is a popular beverage that has been around for centuries. It's made from the dried leaves from the camellia sinensis plant, which is native to China. Drinking it offers many benefits, such as improving mental clarity and memory, detoxifying your body, lowering your risk of certain cancers like breast cancer and prostate cancer, as well as reducing your cholesterol levels. Plus green tea tastes great!

What benefits it can provide

A lot of us are looking for healthier ways to live our lives these days. Tapal's natural green tea not only tastes amazing, but it has been proven to have a whole range of fantastic benefits, too. Whether you're trying to cut down on caffeine intake or just looking for a tasty, low-caffeine option for those times when coffee just isn't enough - tapal is the perfect choice.

Tapal Green Tea: The perfect blend of taste and health
Tapal Green Tea

Is it safe to consume?

Benefits, Flavours, and Price. Firstly, Tapal green tea is an all-natural beverage, which makes it safe to consume for those looking for a refreshing change to your regular coffee or other caffeinated beverages. It is a healthier option as it does not have any additives or preservatives that can come with coffee, cola drinks, or other beverages. When it comes to flavours there are several options to try.

Does it increase our lifespan?

Since people across the world have started to drink tapal green tea, various studies have been conducted to see if it has any benefits. And it turns out that green tea actually does live up to its hype when it comes to increasing our lifespan!

Research shows that men who drank 5-7 cups of tapal green tea a day had a 14% lower risk for death from all causes than those who drank less than 1 cup per day.

Tapal Green Tea: The perfect blend of taste and health
Tapal Green Tea

Does it reduce weight?

The weight-loss properties in tapal green tea comes from the natural diuretic it contains, meaning that tapal green tea can help get rid of water weight. It also contains chromium, which has been shown to reduce insulin resistance. This can lead to less belly fat and a faster metabolism.

One thing I love about drinking tapal green tea is that it always tastes like it smells- fresh, fruity and refreshing!

tapal green tea benefits

Tapal green tea is rich in antioxidants which help regulate glucose levels, fight inflammation, protect the skin from pollution and boost immunity. It also contains minerals like iron, manganese, zinc, selenium and potassium. Drinking tapal green tea a few times a day can reduce oxidative stress on your body that causes ageing process to happen at an accelerated rate while boosting moods. Tapal green tea is rich in flavour that might even make you forget it's good for you.

Where you can buy this amazing beverage?

There are many places you can purchase this amazing beverage. Tapal offers online sales as well as traditional retail. There are three different flavours that they offer: mint, lemon, and citrus orange. For the best benefits, we recommend purchasing their green tea in combination with their dietary supplement. If you're looking for tapal green tea price in pakistan, it can be found on their website or any retailer who sells them near you!

tapal green tea flavours

The flavour of Tapal green tea will vary according to the ratio of tea leaves to water. This is because different levels of leaves can create different flavours. 

Currently, the top flavour combinations are: Lemon-Mint, Jasmine-Mandarin Orange, Chamomile-Lemon Mint and Lychee-Ginger.

tapal green tea for weight loss

Flavours of tapal green tea are equally as important as the actual ingredients when it comes to dieting. Flavour, along with aiding digestion, is also a great method for reducing sugar cravings which, in turn, can help you maintain your weight.

Tapal Green Tea: The perfect blend of taste and health
Tapal Green Tea

Is tapal green tea natural?

The tapal green tea is infused with natural ingredients such as lemon, making it both a tasty treat as well as a healthy drink. There are three flavours to choose from so there's bound to be one you like.

Is tapal tea a Pakistani brand?

Pakistani tapal green tea company. Pakistani tapal green tea benefits. Pakistani tapal green tea lemmons _____ Tapal green tea is a Pakistani brand that offers the best-tasting, organic brews.

What happens if I drink green tea everyday?

Some studies show that green tea can help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism. Drink it regularly, and before you know it, you'll be drinking tapal green tea lemon at home for a fraction of the price!


So, why is Tapal the tea that brings you the best of both worlds? Well, to start with, we use a special patented process to make this tea which locks in all its natural aroma. What's more? This helps retain 100% of its vital nutritional properties as well. All in all, this helps it retain more aroma than any other tea out there.

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