31 miners killed in Sudan gold mine collapse

 The head of Sudan's state-owned mineral resources company said the tragic incident took place near the town of Nohad, about 500 kilometers west of the capital Khartoum, where workers were working in a mine, according to the Ranci News Agency.

1 miners killed in Sudan gold mine collapse

. There was a sudden fall of the ear as a result of which many workers were buried under the ear.

 He said at least 31 miners were killed and eight were missing after being crushed in a gold mine, while one person survived.

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Company officials also told AFP that four miners had been killed in the same mine in January this year, when authorities closed the mine and tightened security, but it was removed a few months ago.

Gold mining flourished almost a decade ago in various parts of Sudan, where people dig in search of precious minerals.

According to official Sudanese figures, about 2 million miners produce about 80 percent of the country's 80 tons of gold annually.

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